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'I received a healing of love'-Littleway Healing Event

By Caroline Sadd

“Doubting Thomas by nature, I find it hard to trust due to past hurts, I guess. The healing ministry is not for me, I kept saying to myself-even when my wife Marites was involved with it on the Saturday at St. Pius X."

  -Parishioner of St Pius X Catholic Church, Withywood, Bristol

These were the opening words of a testimony I received from one of our parishioners after a four day Healing Mission, led by Littleway Healing Ministries that had taken place in our family of parishes.  Dave would go on to describe how he came to receive healing prayer after one of our Sunday Masses, and the powerful effect that this experience of prayer had on him. I’m sure Dave won’t mind me sharing that he had not quite been expecting the depth of healing that he had experienced.

I currently work as Parish Outreach worker for the South Bristol Mission Area, a family of four parishes in South Bristol.  It was at the urging of our parish priest, Father Matt Anscombe, that we invited Littleway Healing Ministries to visit our parishes, for four days in late April this year.  As a woman of faith, and someone who feels called to work in full time ministry, I like to think I have an expectant faith, but after four days spent in the presence of Fr Laurence, Pauline and the Littleway team, I, like Dave, found myself surprised; in fact more than that, I found myself awed. I don’t think, during all my prayer and preparations, that I had been expecting quite enough.

Over four days we experienced the powerful action of the Holy Spirit among us.many of us witnessed the healing touch of the Risen Lord

Jesus promised: "Lay your hands on the sick and they shall be healed" (Mark 16:18).

The Littleway team arrived on a Thursday afternoon and met with our Mission Area Prayer Ministry Team to pray and prepare for the Mission. That evening a healing service would take place and people would have the opportunity to book an appointment for the specialist Healing of Memories prayer led by the Littleway team the following day. On the Saturday, there would be a Healing Open Day at another of our parishes and there would be testimony and prayer ministry offered after all our Sunday Masses. During our planning, the Littleway team instructed us to ensure that there was time allocated for people to witness to their healing after Mass. How’s that for expectant faith?

It’s hard for me to describe in a sentence or two the graces that were poured out upon our parishes over the course of four days, or to list all the healings that had taken place (there were many), or for me to attest to the continued graces that I have seen develop in our parishes. During this healing mission, we saw many physical healings. There was the healing of back pain, hip problems and someone witnessed a dramatic improvement in their vision. Another person found themselves able to kneel at Mass the following day for the first time in years after being healed of chronic knee pain. Many others also witnessed to experiencing inner healing of deep psychological and spiritual wounds.

Over four days, in our family of four parishes, in late April this year we experienced the powerful action of the Holy Spirit amongst us, and many of us through this Healing Mission can now witness to the healing touch of the Risen Lord in our lives.   As Dave so powerfully said later in his testimony: " I do believe I had a special encounter and a healing, a work in progress. I am so happy I sat there and listened to the music and heard the gospel of John.  I am so happy that over time I have always listened for the prompting of the spirit. Yes, I do believe I received a healing of love and even today still feel blessed."

Dave’s experience was one that was echoed by many, and I give heartfelt thanks to Fr Laurence, Pauline and the Littleway team for their ministry. Above all else, I give praise and glory to God.

Jesus is Alive, Alleluia! 


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