CHARIS National Service
of Communion

What is the CNSC?
The CHARIS National Service of Communion(CNSC) England is the principal co-ordinating organisation of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) in England and Wales.
We seek to be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in both our discussion and activities, and keep in close contact with the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, primarily through our Episcopal Advisors, Bishop David Oakley and Archbishop Kevin McDonald.
Members of the CNSC work to maintain close relationships with the various expressions of CCR in England and Wales. We have a special concern for retaining faithfulness to the Catholic Church amongst these various expressions, but we also maintain links and connections with other Christian denominations and networks.
The CNSC is formed of around fifteen members, and meets four times per year, with regular working group meetings. The current Coordinator of the CNSC is Abhy Thomas and the current Assistant Coordinator is Fr. Simon Penhalagan.

Current CNSC Members
The CNSC is formed of around fifteen members, and meets four times per year, with regular working group meetings.

Abhy Thomas JOSEPH
Abhy has been involved with Catholic Charismatic Renewal for over 20 years through the international Catholic movement, Jesus Youth. He has served the Lord through Jesus Youth in various capacities, including as the first Youth Coordinator in the UK, two terms as Jesus Youth UK National Coordinator, and a member of the Jesus Youth international council, Formation Coordinator, and youth team animator. Abhy also represented Jesus Youth in the RELAY Europe team in its early years and has been a member of the CNSC in England & Wales since 2020 before becoming the CNSC coordinator in February 2024. He has led and spoken at various charismatic events both in the UK and across Europe. Abhy has a great passion for creative and new ways of evangelization in a digital world and a heart for forming young missionary disciples. He resides in Maulden with his wife Saumya and their four young children. Additionally, he is part of the executive leadership team of a multinational organisation

Fr. Simon Penhalagan
(Assistant Coordinator)
Fr. Simon is a parish priest in the Diocese of Northampton. After becoming friends with Sion Community founders Michelle and Peter Moran, he stayed at Sion's centre in Brentwood, near where he worked as a Careers’ Adviser. "The Community invited me to prayer," he says."Whilst I found the worship and use of the gifts of the Spirit a bit over the top, they spoke of Jesus as a friend and radiated joy. I aspired to the same and asked to be prayed with. In a very quiet, low-key way, I was baptised in the Holy Spirit. With a new sense of purpose, I joined the Sion Community and spent ten years with the youth ministry." Fr. Simon then felt a call to priesthood. He was ordained in 2008, and ministered with Sion Community for ten years. He now serves as a full-time parish priest at St Martin de Porres parish in Luton.

Bishop David James Oakley was born on 28 November 1955 in Stourbridge. After school, he worked in a well-known department store and entered Oscott in September 1974. After ordination on 5 July 1980, Fr David served in several parishes within the Archdiocese of Birmingham. He has always seen the parish as his natural habitat. He studied catechetics at the Maryvale Institute and was awarded a MEd degree. He was appointed Pastoral Director and Procurator at Oscott in 1994. During this time, he researched a PhD thesis in Pastoral Theology, which was later published. As Parish Priest at Maryvale, Fr David directed the diocesan Department for Parish and Family Catechesis, developing resources with CaFE. He also undertook licentiate studies in the Pontifical University of St Patrick’s, Maynooth and was awarded the STL degree. Having served as Oscott Rector, Bishop David was ordained Bishop of Northampton in the Cathedral of Our Lady Immaculate and St Thomas of Canterbury on 19 March 2020.

I first encountered the Charismatic Renewal 35 years ago at a prayer meeting in The Royal London Hospital. This was a catalyst to my life as an active christian living in community with others for many years; I am now a member of the Chemin Neuf Community along with my husband, Richard. We have four adult children and two young grandchildren.

Andy is a qualified journalist with a passion for spreading the Gospel through the media. Andy's life was changed by encountering God's love at the New Dawn conference, where he discovered he is God's beloved child. He is Web Editor for, the website for Catholic Charismatic Renewal in England and Wales, and has a passion for evangelisation, and using the media to proclaim the Gospel 'from the rooftops’ (Matt.10:27). He loves seeing lives changed by the love of Jesus. Andy is married to his lovely wife, Marie, and has three beautiful children. He has been a member of the CNSC since November 2024, and is a member of the CDSC in his home Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.

Russ Fairman
Russ has been involved with CCR for several decades. He is passionate about leading people to a personal relationship with Jesus through Baptism in the Holy Spirit and street outreach missions. In 2019, Russ organised an unforgettable intercessory sailing prayer mission for Celebrate around Britain, which was extensively covered by the BBC and the national Christian press. Russ loves helping people step into their God-given purpose. He serves as chair and MC for Celebrate Southampton and is a founding member of the ecumenical Healing on the Streets (HOTS) Southampton. He is also part of Harvesters Men's Network core team.

Mark has a long history of involvement in Charismatic Renewal and has been blessed and sustained by the gift of an extended family who are all his teachers, especially his wife Annie. Together they are happy parents to 6 grown children and grandparents of 4 soon to be 6 grandchildren, God willing. In their early years, they were blessed by association with the Mother of God Community, in particular Fr Paul Watson, which has provided a solid foundation to their faith. More recently, they have been working with Celebrate and Mark has co-ordinated the regional team in the Midlands. Mark coordinates the CDSC Birmingham in order to serve the vision of CHARIS, working to try to bring the various elements of renewal together to serve the wider church. Having completed the 2 year CHARIS Integrated Formation Programme . Mark joined the CNSC in March 2023.

Steve Halsall
Steve has been involved in CCR since 1985 when Renewal in Wales was expanding, due to Bishop Langdon Fox's influence. "I had a new parish priest and soon the whole parish came alive," Steve says. "I studied the parish priest to see what was different and realised he involved Jesus in everything he did and said. I wanted that relationship, too. I was baptised in the spirit, received the Holy Spirit into my life and have walked with Jesus ever since." Steve is chair of Wrexham CDSC. He was involved with the “Seekers” evangelising group in Pantasaph and the evangelical “New Wine” organisation for evangelisation, both in North Wales. He is married with four children and six grandchildren.
Originally from the DR Congo and a native French speaker, Allegra moved to the UK in 1995. Her faith came alive in 2001 after she attended ‘Life in the Spirit’ seminars, which had a transformative effect on her personal life and subsequent career path when she discovered a deep passion for evangelisation. Two years later, she joined her local DST team and, between 2006 and 2018, became a full time member of the Sion Community,mostly working in parish missions. She served as leader of the Parish Ministry Team in her last three years. Allegra, who loves helping people grow in their personal relationship with God, organises and leads retreats, courses, and formation days to help people deepen their faith. She strongly believes it is only when we are rooted in Christ that we can grow, flourish, and take on Jesus’ mandate to ‘make disciples of all nations.’ Allegra works full time in evangelisation in parish ministry, and joined the CNSC in November 2024.

Frank was baptised in the Holy Spirit aged 17 at St Mungo's prayer group, Glasgow. With degrees in Theology and Religious Studies, and a passion to teach Religious Education, he has taught mainly in Hexham and Newcastle Diocese, where he became a headteacher. Frank is married to Christine and they have four grown up children and four grandchildren. Ordained a permanent deacon in 2005, Frank ministers in St John XXIII parish in Washington. Now retired, he serves as a member of the CNSC, and is a trustee of the CREW Trust and The Peru Mission charities.

Gaetana is a member of The House of the Open Door, a lay ecumenical community in Worcestershire, where she is the the moderator of the leadership team. She works and ministers from the community, in worship and sharing the Gospel in schools, prisons and conferences. Gaetana has a passion for sharing the Gospel, especially with women and young people, and for exploring the links between faith and sustainable living. She also serves as a Council member for the European Network of Communities. Born in Italy on the Amalfi Coast, she had her first real encounter with the Lord through the Baptism in the Holy Spirit at the age of 17, being healed from drug addiction and brokenness. Gaetana, who is married with one son, loves music, travel and learning about other cultures and languages.