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CHARIS National Service
of Communion


What is the CNSC?

The CHARIS National Service of Communion(CNSC) England is the principal co-ordinating organisation of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) in England and Wales.

We seek to be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in both our discussion and activities, and keep in close contact with the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, primarily through our Episcopal Advisors, Bishop David Oakley and Archbishop Kevin McDonald.


Members of the CNSC work to maintain close relationships with the various expressions of CCR in England and Wales. We have a special concern for retaining faithfulness to the Catholic Church amongst these various expressions, but we also maintain links and connections with other Christian denominations and networks.


The CNSC is formed of around fifteen members, and meets four times per year, with regular working group meetings. The current Coordinator of the CNSC is Abhy Thomas and the current Assistant Coordinator is Fr. Simon Penhalagan.

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Current CNSC Members

The CNSC is formed of around fifteen members, and meets four times per year, with regular working group meetings.


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