CaFE OnDemand
Catholic Faith Exploration
Totally free to view / download

Fr Stan Fortuna, a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal from New York, explains the elements of the Eucharist in an engaging and inspirational way. With testimonies from young people, this course will help many to unpack the riches of the Mass.
Section 1: Mass Part 1
Section 2: Mass Part 2
Section 3: Mass Part 3
Section 4: Homily - 'Eucharistic Amazement'
(Running time approx. 82 minutes)
​​The four course sessions can be viewed below or downloaded to your PC or phone (for download instructions click here):​
The following material may be downloaded for use with the course:
* A5 Flyer
If this course is a blessing to your parish, please consider taking an offering
and use the donate button at the top of the page.
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