CaFE OnDemand
Catholic Faith Exploration
Totally free to view / download
General Resources:

A six session course exploring:
St Patrick (Spreading the Good News)
St Benedict (a Rhythm of Prayer)
St Francis of Assisi (God's Heart for the Poor)
St Ignatius of Loyola (Discerning Life's Journey)
St Catherine of Siena (Holiness in the Spirit)
St Therese of Lisieux (Simplicity of Faith)
Showing how the age-old wisdom and teachings of the Saints can be a practical help to us today.
Each session lasts approx. 40 mins with a midpoint break ideal for discussion.
Can be run as 6 sessions or 12 shorter sessions, which might be better for youth groups.
​​The six course sessions (2 parts to each session) can be viewed below or downloaded to your PC or phone (for download instructions click here):
If this course is a blessing to your parish, please consider taking an offering
and use the donate button at the top of the page.
A whole library of easy-to-run courses is available, categorised into four main areas. Click on any of the 4 boxes below...
...or a full list of our courses is available here.