CaFE OnDemand
Catholic Faith Exploration
Totally free to view / download

General Resources:
"Mary once gave us the Saviour of the world, today she helps us to be filled with the Spirit of God".
An inspirational five-session course:
Session 1 - Chosen by God
Session 2 - The First Disciple
Session 3 - Mother of All
Session 4 - Queen of Heaven
Session 5 - Help of Christians
plus Bonus Features
Input from experts such as Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, Rev Sandra Miller, Mgr. John Armitage, Dr. Sarah Boss, Fr. Jim McManus, Sr. Catherine Droste and others, plus Dr. Mary Healy (Detroit Seminary & Pontifical Biblical Commission).
Testimonies from Mary's Meals, Mothers Prayers & John Pridmore.

​​The five course sessions can be viewed below or downloaded to your PC or phone (for download instructions click here):
Bonus features:
The following material may be downloaded for use with the course:
An engaging book about the life of Mary past and present is available as the course book and also as a stand-alone read and is available from goodnewsbooks.co.uk

If this course is a blessing to your parish, please consider taking an offering
and use the donate button at the top of the page.
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