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About CHARIS Services
Pope Francis welcomed CHARIS, the new one service for Catholic Charismatic Renewal, at Pentecost 2019 in Rome. On Saturday 8 June, Pope Francis greeted members of the newly-formedCatholic Charismatic Renewal Service (CHARIS) in the Paul VI hall who took part in an International Conference in the Vatican.
He told them...

CHARIS is led by a Moderator assisted by the International Service of Communion. The function of the Moderator is fixed by the Statutes (art. 11). Between them, to promote and develop Catholic Charismatic Renewal as a current of grace in the Church and for the Church; to promote the work of unity in the Body of Christ; to ensure good communication between the ecclesiastical authorities and Catholic Charismatic Renewal worldwide, and in particular with the Holy See through the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life.

National Services of Communion should consist of representatives from realities and expressions of the current of grace who identify themselves as a part of Catholic Charismatic Renewal, and who are seeking to build communion within the wide and diverse family of Catholic Charismatic Renewal. This may include prayer groups, communities, networks, schools of evangelisation, religious institutes, publishing houses, particular ministries, ecumenical initiatives, youth etc.